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Blind Dagger

Land Mint Coming Soon!!!!

Land NFTs for Passive Income from Battles

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Collecting Rent....

Card and arena battles will take place on randomly selected plots of land. Land owners will be awarded an Adamantine Chest containing 1 SOL and receive SOL deposits every time a battle takes place on their turf, that's free passive income!

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Lay of the Land....

There will be 100 parcels of land, distributed across the north, south, east, west and central regions of the land of the blade. Each region has its own distinct ground type: snow, sand, mud, dirt and grass. You will passively earn 0.01 SOL each time a battle takes place on your land.

You need to believe....

The more popular this project becomes over time, the more battles will take place and the more rent land owners will be able to collect. If you purchase land, it will be in your best interests to spread the word of the blade.

Into the metaverse....

There is huge potential for future metaverse development with these plots of land and there will only ever be 100 available. Land owners will be given exclusive early access to news about building and governing this blockchain gaming universe. Anyone who takes part in a battle and does not win a SOL prize, after all BD tokens have been awarded for that season, will win a Meta Chest containing a character, clothing item or accessory.


This website does not contain any financial advice, please always do your own research before investing in NFTs. The value of your land parcel may go up or down. SOL deposits from battles are not guaranteed as land is chosen at random every time a battle takes place. You will have an expected return of one battle on your land for every 100 battles that take place, but in reality this may be greater than or smaller than one.

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